Adobe InDesign QR Code

9103 visualizações   |   Projetado por: iamgump04  |   08-10-2013
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Adobe InDesign QR Code

Adobe InDesign QR Code description:

Adobe formed its first InDesign User Group in November 2001. This group, meeting quarterly, brought together members of the New York publishing community who were interested in InDesign, from early adopters to recent converts to the merely curious. News spread of what designers saw and heard at these meetings, and attendance grew. InDesign User Group meetings became, and remain, an important factor in how news about InDesign is communicated and how users learn techniques, tips, and tricks to keep their skills sharp. As of early 2013, the Adobe Worldwide InDesign User Group Community claims more than 93 chapters in 37 countries, with more than 57805 members. While InDesign User Group chapters and meetings are managed by community members, they are supported and promoted by Adobe. We welcome the continued growth of existing InDesign User Group chapters around the world as well as the establishment of new ones.

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